Miller is the misogynistic author/graphic novelist who wrote the inspiration for 'Sin City'. In 'Sin City', Mickey Rourke looked more Republican than usual and I saw Jessica Alba's camel toe more times than I wanted to. Plus Toby Maguire was a serial amputator of broad's gams. I know, funny. Toby Maguire as a serial killer. Heehee.
So in Miller's vision of the Battle of Thermopylae, King Leonidas is a raging hetero who only yearns for his skinny-as-a-boy wife. Yeah, right. The Greeks loved young, Abercrombie&Fitch-ish punks. I mean loved them. But Miller and director Zack Snyder were havin' none of that! So they made Persian King Xerxes a gold-lame drag queen. Which is weird given Xerxes had a full beard, was about 50 and had a hundred wives, twice as many concubines and rugrats runnin' all over Asia minor.
But the kicker is one of the New People on 'Lost' played Xerxes. Brazilian Rodrigo Santoro who rocks a mullet on 'Lost' is flamin' mo' Xerxes in Snyder/Miller's version of this story. Imagine that. A Brazilian soap opera star playing an ancient Persian emperor ... and playing him gay! VIVA CARNIVALE!
Oh well, Dan Savage said it way better than I just did but then his tolerance for ganja is much greater than mine.
Peace out and bring on the rippling abs!
1 comment:
Yeah, Frank Miller has done some great stuff, but a lot of is overrated, over-testosteroned male fantasy. I much prefer Alan Moore. ("V for Vendetta", "From Hell", "Watchmen", "Miracleman")
I haven't seen 300, and I don't have any kind of urge to, but I probably will eventually. Ditto "Sin City," although the thought of Jessica Alba's camel toe puts it higher on the list. ;)
My favorite of Miller's stuff is his Batman "Year One" and "Dark Knight Returns" books. I've also heard his late-'70s run on Daredevil (when he introduces and kills Elektra) is excellent. Some day, I'll open my comic shop and sit and read comics and watch DVDs all day.
Hey -- want to move to Boston and work in my shop? :)
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