Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wise words

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest, best financed, most applauded, and least successful exercises in moral philosophy. That is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. -- John Kenneth Galbraith, Wealth and Poverty, 1963

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Buddy, can you spare some time?

Looking for readers/reviewers for this short story. It's loosely based on a story a dear friend told me in 2008 a few months before he died from MS. Please give it a read.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


I disagree with this Op/Ed from May 2020. This isn't years away.

Mango Mussolini wants it right now.

Hear that sound? That's Putin clapping. His fomenting of divisiveness via his Useful Idiot has exceeded his wildest dreams. That other sound is the Right's Saint Reagan spinning in his grave.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

A poem about quiet

This has never seemed more appropriate:

Keeping Quiet

Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still
for once on the face of the earth,
let's not speak in any language;
let's stop for a second,
and not move our arms so much.

It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines;
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.

Fishermen in the cold sea
would not harm whales
and the man gathering salt
would not look at his hurt hands.

Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victories with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their brothers
in the shade, doing nothing.

What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity.

Life is what it is about...

If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with

Now I'll count up to twelve
and you keep quiet and I will go.

- Pablo Neruda, from Extravagaria

Monday, April 06, 2020

Malcom Nance: The Plot to Betray America

Not only is Malcolm Nance a former Naval Intelligence officer, not only can he speak five or is it six languages (including Russian) but he was driving to the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001 the day the terrorist attacks happened.

I got chills at the 30 minute mark.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Just the fact, ma'am

Morbidity and mortality are NOT the same thing. Not even close. It's used in medicine and economics. There's morbidly obese and there are comorbidities. For example, a patient can have cancer and heart disease at the same time. The morbidity rate in a population is NOT the same thing as the mortality rate aka the rate of death.

 The greatest fear the CDC and WHO have is because we have no national healthcare in America (unlike every single post-industrial nation on earth, including Mexico and Costa Rica) there are a lot of Americans with comorbidities. We have for-profit healthcare just like we have for-profit education. Americans are expected to pay for everything from congenital heart disease to a fractured leg, even if it bankrupts them.

Viral load refers to the amount of viruses needed to infect someone. Simply put, the more you are around someone who has an active case of Coronavirus, the more likely you are to develop it. SARS, which sickened 5,300 people in China in 2002-2003 had an extremely low viral load. Viral load has been the focus of hundreds of medical papers over the years.

Novel. In virology the most frightening word is novel. In medicine novel means new. It means: we don't know what it will do inside the human body. Virologists don't yet understand why some patients who never smoke, are 30 years old, jog five times a week, eat healthy food, etc. may develop pneumonia and die from Covid-19 but a 50 year old who is sedentary never does. Novel is scary. Novel means, despite initial gene mapping, they still don't know why children under 12 are highly unlikely to develop any symptoms at all.

Recently, our Orange Führer allowed his boyfriend, Vladimir Putin to perform a publicity stunt ... in the middle of a pandemic. Putin sent a cargo jet of "supplies" to Kennedy International. A Russian oligarch who has bragged about poisoning and murdering people sent us "supplies". This same Russian mobster sent members of his FSB to "help" Italy while they suffer through a plague that has killed 16,400 Italians so far. In case you don't know, FSB is the re-incarnation of the KGB. FSB sent money to Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and a bunch of other GOP jackasses via the NRA. That's right, money travelled from Russian mobsters through the National Rifle Association directly to elected American politicians.

So two things are really scary right now. One is the word novel. The second is Russia. If you think the Cold War is over then you have never heard of Richard Preston or read The Demon in the Freezer

Hoarding guns, bombing down the street in your gas sucker, and hating your neighbor because he's brown is exactly what Vladimir wants you to do right now. Now you're truly vulnerable.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

May you live in interesting times

We now know there is no bottom in the despair and stupidity generated by Comb Over Caligula. This failed reality TV host knew the epidemic was coming as far back as December 2019 but he was too busy playing golf at his shitty resort in Florida to care. The head of the Seattle Flu Study knew it was here.

It didn't matter because the current GOP administration in their mad rush to "make federal government small enough to drown in a bathtub" had fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018. Specifically, John Bolton did this at Trump's behest.

This isn't our Orange Führer's Hurricane Katrina, it's the death of whatever sort of middle class might have still existed in our broken land. There is no Houston Astrodome big enough to save us.

We are all living in Calcutta now. There are only rich Brahmans in limousines and desperate poor people in depressing tenements and cardboard boxes begging for change.

 Never has so much fear, absolute selfishness, and bigotry existed in one morbidly obese rapist. He has told the poor, uneducated whites of America what they wanted to hear so often he's deified in fundamentalist Christian circles.

We are the country that puts 12-year-old children from El Salvador in cages because they dared come here seeking what every single Irish, Italian, Dutch -- pick a European ethnicity -- came here for in the 1800s and early 1900s: asylum.

In a matter of days we will be the country that allows the elderly, people with MS, the disabled, disabled veterans, anyone unlucky, to die. All for our pointless unregulated capitalism and it's eternal state of flux between boom and bust.

The last time I took a gander at the Big Red Map of Death the world had exceeded a half million confirmed cases. We're set to double that by the end of next week and America is the new Italy.

Italy has over 92,000 confirmed cases as of today. And over 10,000 dead thanks to a mortality rate between 4 and 6-percent. A lot of them are not elderly men who smoked. Quite a few were 20-50 year olds in moderate-to-good health.






Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Defining women

Defining a woman becomes complicated when one ceases to define her on the basis of gender assigned at birth. When experience varies so much from woman to woman, blanket statements fail. Though I am not an expert on gender studies -- and I hope to keep my opinions fluid -- I arrive at a definition of womanhood by looking at men: what they do, what they have, and whom they prevent from doing and having. I define womanhood by who suffers for not identifying or presenting as male, and why.  -- Hari Nef, Twitter, Dec 2015

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

St. George, Part 2

My friend George lost his housing in Houston, Texas last year in July after an extended hospital stay. After several months in and out of the VA Hospital, getting robbed of his phone, nearly losing what little he had left after his eviction, George landed in a "long-term" transitional housing place.

George got his heart medication and head medication (he is bipolar) straightened out and was teaching himself code writing online at the housing place.

Abruptly, one month away from getting a housing voucher for a one bedroom, he was told to leave the transitional housing place no explanation given.

Right now George is bouncing around in some emergency shelters, which are crowded, noisy, not always safe and impossible to sleep in.

George is three months younger than me and will be 54 in September. He suffered a half dozen heart attacks several years back, partly due to inherited heart disease and even with a positive attitude he is physically fragile.

Like me, George's parents and most of his relatives are dead and he also has no spouse.

This is what America is like for those of us singletons who are sole bread winners. Zero safety net.

Please donate to George on his PayPal site here.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

No, the sexbots won't save you

Been a while since I visited Feministing and this article in response to the Toronto mass murder and Ross Douthat's ass-hat essay is dead on.

Marginalized people who society frequently ridicules and presumes incapable of desiring or of being desired — fat people, disabled people, people of color, trans and queer people — have not created online communities to plot violent revenge against women. It is only white, straight, cisgender men — who are repeatedly told by our culture that theirs are the only desires that matter, that they are entitled to power over other people’s bodies — who react in this way.

Jess Fournier's entire essay can be read here.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Did you fall and hit your head

I've joined a dubious club. I'm now a member of the Head Injury gang. On President's Day weekend while walking home from an exercise class I slipped on some black ice. Technically, it wasn't black, it was clear as glass and coating every outside surface on the morning of Saturday, February 17.

I didn't just fall, I did a Jerry Lewis pratfall. For a millisecond I was airborne floating to the frozen pavement on my back. I have no memory of hitting my head, only sitting up with my ears ringing, my scalp stinging and my ass and legs in someone's driveway.

I was dazed, very tired but nothing else was off. Until the next morning.

I got up at six on Sunday, did some chores, cleaned a bit before the next planned exercise class. But I have no memory of cleaning or doing chores. Nada. Before 11:00 am everything is a black hole. I remember standing in my living room calling my friend for, what she said was, the fifth time in 20 minutes.

At the hospital I fell asleep, on the ER bed, on the CT scan table, etc. I couldn't remember where I worked or my boss's name. I couldn't remember my friend and I visiting a club the evening before.

By Sunday evening 90-percent of my memory had returned. But still to be betrayed by that most vital of organs.

A month on, I still have vertigo/dizzy spells. I still have to sleep at least nine hours a night. I'm still hyper sensitive to light. I still get weird headaches that start behind my eyes and feel like my head is filling with sand.

But still ...

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Repeat after me

Rape is not sex
Rape is not sex
Rape is not sex.

Rape is the opposite of sex.

Rape is not a consequence of too much alcohol or too little clothing. No Kevin Spacey, rape is not a predictable end result of any sexual orientation. Rape is not epidemic because we have somehow lost genteel society. Rape is a felony. Rapists are criminals and they should go to prison just like bank robbers or murderers. Rapists do not have a lack of gentlemanly training. This isn't 1805 and it's not about failing to offer a lady a handkerchief at the formal ball.

Rape is an act of violence, not sex. Rapist feel powerful when they attack someone because they tend to feel powerless in their everyday life.

If the allegations against Harvey Weinstein and Roy Moore are true, and the evidence is preponderous, neither of them needs counseling or a forceful chat with the HR department. They need to go to prison.

Sorry, Bill Maher, Harvey Weinstein doesn't need to "take better care of himself", lose weight or shave more often so he can "get laid." This is not about getting laid because rape is not about sex.

Rape. Is. Not. Sex.

Rapists are not sexually frustrated. On the contrary, rapists often are married and/or already have partners they are sexually intimate with. Some even have families with children. And, as the research in the eye-opening 2012 documentary The Invisible War showed, the majority of rapists are serial rapists. In criminal psychology, serial rapists have a lot in common with serial murderers. Serial murderers often begin their criminal careers as rapists. Rapists, exactly like serial murderers, look for opportunity, they look for victims who presumably will be easily overcome and subdued; someone small, someone drunk or impaired, someone young and inexperienced in self defense, someone disabled or unable to run or fight, someone alone, probably someone female.

Rape victims do not get raped because they a) went to the wrong party, b) walked down the wrong street, c) got in the wrong car with the wrong friend or d) left their handgun at home. Victims get raped because a rapist rapes them. Period.

Lumping Senator Al Franken or Louis CK in the same box with Weinstein or Moore is idiotic. Neither Franken or CK are felons. They are stupid, they abused their power but they are likely not rapists. The two women who had the unsavory misfortune to witness Louis CK masturbating in front of them were not raped. They were shocked, scared (because women are conditioned to anticipate odd behavior as a prelude to violence) and later, probably furious. But they are not thankfully rape victims.

Again, Weinstein and Moore are criminals. The former has millions, an entertainment empire, power and people to find and arrange rape victims for him. The latter was so pernicious a pedophile and stalker of teenage girls he was permanently banned from an Alabama strip mall by security guards.

Where it gets confusing -- the conjunction between assaulting a 14-year-old girl behind a restaurant and flashing a coworker your penis -- is called Rape Culture. It's a term that often runs in the same sentence as the War on Women. If you think, like most on the political right, that the War on Women is fictitious then you've never heard of the Congo. Or Yugoslavia. Or the Pink Taxis of Puebla. Or ISIS. Or Jyoti Singh. And on and on the list just keeps getting longer.

Men like Louis CK make the mistake of assuming women are just here for their sexual entertainment because Rape Culture has told them over and over for decades that they are. Every time a hot blonde is strewn across the hood of car in a commercial, every time a video game player has the opportunity to "rape" a character in Grand Theft Auto and every single time there's a televised beauty contest, women are objectified. Objects are things, not people. The first step in suppressing any group of people (African Americans, Native Americans, immigrants, etc.) is to make them into stereotypes or caricatures and then objects. Then it's okay to rape and kill them because, Rape Culture tells us, they're not really people.

Our current sitting president attempted to dismiss claims he is a rapist by suggesting one of his victims wasn't hot enough. In the past, he's emceed and produced beauty contests. He is currently married to a former model who's primary resume point is her ability to look fuckable, to fit a stereotype, a pornographic caricature, to be a thing. I suspect, in his narcissism and selfishness, our president sees nearly everyone around him as just a thing.

We cannot stop rape until we learn to discern the difference between men behaving badly (Franken and CK) and rapists (Weinstein and Moore). We cannot dismantle Rape Culture until we dismantle the toxic patriarchy which has been telling us for ages that women are not people but simply things to be: won, earned, bought, possessed, impregnated, discarded, stereotyped and scorned (dumb virgin, slut, conniving whore, gold-digging bitch, etc.).

We cannot stop rape until we see women (and alternately LGBT, brown people, immigrants, etc.) as people. We cannot stop rape until we stop dehumanizing people.